

Emamectine Benzoate 1.9%EC
Pack Size : 1litre,500ml, 250ml bottle
Class : insecticides
Directions of Use : Apply the insecticide when the incidence of larvae is first observed and repeat applications as necessary. Apply the insecticide in sufficient quantity of water to ensure thorough coverage of the foliage. Plant protection equipment: Knapsack sprayer, compression knapsack sprayer, battery operated power sprayer.

  • Recommendation
  • Product features
  • mode of action


Product Features

  • Neutron  is a highly potent insecticide cum acaricide. Even though Emamectin benzoate 1.9% E.C displays a broad spectrum pest control action.

  • It  is a macrocyclic insecticide that remains stable post aqueous hydrolysis.

  • One shot solution for Homoptera, Diptera, Thysanoptera, Lepidoptera, Coleoptera and mites

  • It gives quick knockdown and long residual control

  • Promotes crop greening, more branches and flower initiation

  • Neutron is Curated with unique recipe to fight against crops like Groundnuts, Cotton, Soybean, Safflower, all vegetables, all horticulture crops

Mode of Action

  • NEUTRON  has both systemic and contact action. Upon coming in contact with the chemical, the effect of neurotransmitter gets intensified in the insect pests. This leads to disturbed neurotransmission. Further, the pests stop feeding on the plants and eventually die.
  • The mechanism of action of NEUTRON is to intensify the effect of neurotransmitters, such as glutamate and γ-butyric acid. Upon contacting the chemical compound, the insect pests stop eating quickly and eventually they die. NEUTRON is safe for humans, animals, and the environment.

Method of Application

1. Foliar spray is recommended

2. Mix the recommended dose in or Neutron in a bucket half filled with water with agitation, add remain recommended quantity of water with continuous agitation and spray uniformly for better result

3. First spraying is recommended at  40 days after sowing or as soon as insects begin to appear (at economic threshold level). The second spray is recommended 10 days after first spraying

Safety Instruction and Antidote

  • Precautions

    1. Avoid inhalation, skin or oral contact with pesticide.
    2. Do not chew tobacco, eat food or smoke during spraying.
    3. While spraying use protective clothing, rubber gloves, boots, face shield or dust mask, overall, rubber apron, hood or hat.
    4. Spray only in the direction of wind currents and not against so as to avoid spray drifts setting on the body.
    5. Wash hands and contaminated parts of the body well with soap and water after spraying.
    6. Clean sprayer thoroughly with water after completion of work.


  • Symptoms Of Poisoning

    Early symptoms of poisoning may be a combination of dilation of pupils, muscular in-coordination, ataxia and muscle tremors.

  • First Aid

    Remove the affected person to a well-ventilated area or fresh air and protect him from under cooling. In case of skin contact: Remove contaminated clothing and thoroughly wash the affected parts of the body with soap and water. In case of eye contact: Rinse eyes with clean water for several minutes. In case of ingestion: Give the patient one or two glasses of water, if able to swallow. Do not induce vomiting. Get the attention of the medical doctor immediately.

*NOTE: Do not induce vomiting or never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person.