

Gibberellic Acid 0.001% L

Pack Size : 1 ltr, 500 ml, 250 ml
Class : Plant Growth Regulator
Directions of Use : Mix recommended dose in appropriate amount of water, stir well and spray with Knapsack Sprayer.
  • Recommendation
  • Product features
  • mode of action


CropPurposeCIB DOSE / HaWater volume litre/ha
Rice (Paddy)To increase the yield and quality of the crop produce180 ml/ha450-500 litre/ha
Short duration varieties 20-25DAT
Medium duration varieties 30-35 DAT
Long duration varieties 40-45 DAT
Sugarcane (Planted crops)a)First spray 40-45 DAP180 ml/ha450-500 litre/ha
b)Second spray 70-80 DAS
Cottona) First spray 40-45 DAP180 ml/ha450-500 litre/ha
b) Second spray: At the time of ball formation
Groundnuta) First spray at flowering (30-35  DAS)180 ml/ha450-500 litre/ha
b) Second spray  at the time of flowering
Bananaa) First spray 3rd month270 ml/ha450-500 litre/ha
b) Second spray 5th month
Third spray at the time of fruit formation
Cabbagea) First spray 45 DAS180 ml/ha450-500 litre/ha
b) Second spray 65 DAS
Cauliflowera) First spray 45 DAS180 ml/ha450-500 litre/ha
b) Second spray 65 DAS
Grapesa) First spray 30-35 days after pruning180 ml/ha450-500 litre/ha
b) Second during the match head stage
Brinjal, Okraa)First spray 34 DAP450 ml/ha450-500 litre/ha
b)Second spray 70 DAP
c)Third spary 105 DAP
OnionFirst spray 25-30 DAP180 ml/ha450-500 litre/ha
MulberryFirst spray: 15-20 days after harvest450 ml/ha450-500 litre/ha

Product Features

  • HERO is a metabolic enhancer that contains Gibberellic Acid 0.001%L which stimulate & regulate the plant growth.
  • HERO increase plant growth and crop yield.
  • HERO improves plant health and sustained productivity.
  • It enhances photosynthesis and plant metabolism.
  • It allows the production of bigger leaves and root system.
  • HERO increase cell growth in stems, leaves and roots.
  • HERO reduces flower and fruit dropping and enhances quality of produce.
  • HERO stimulate flower, enlarge fruit and boost crop yields.
  • It improves micronutrients and water uptake through root initiation and development.
  • Improve establishment and growth of young plants produced from cuttings, seed or plugs.
  • HERO can be used as a seed dormancy breaker.
  • It delays aging of leaves.
  • HERO provides essential nutritional support, activates the plant physiological and metabolic activities.
  • It enhances synthesis of organic compounds that are useful for plant growth functioning.
  • HERO increase soil microbial activity and higher nutrient uptake.
  • It helps to withstand stress conditions like drought, frost and attack of insects by improving immunity.
  • HERO is compatible with commonly used fertilizers and pesticides except Sulphur, copper fungicides and Bordeaux mixture.
  • It should not be mixed with alkaline substances.

Mode of Action

  • Hero is a metabolic enhancer that contains Gibberellic Acid 0.001%L which stimulate & regulate the plant growth.
  • Hero acts synergistically with plant metabolism and accelerates the growth functions of the plant. It also improves the physiological efficiency of the crop by stimulating the hormonal and enzymatic activities and increases the yield and quality of the crop produce.

Method & Time of Application

  • Uniform foliar spray is recommended for batter result.
  • Shake the bottle well before using the product.
  • Mix recommended dose of Gibac (1ml/litre of water) in appropriate amount of water and stir well and spray with Knapsack Sprayer.
  • It can also be used in drip irrigation.
  • It should be used as pre-flowering and fruit development Stage.

Safety Instruction and Antidote

  • Uniform spray should be advisable.
  • Do not mix with bare hands.
  • Keep away from foodstuffs, empty foodstuff containers and animals.
  • Wear safety equipment’s such as gloves, aprons, masks, etc.
  • Do not smoke, drink, eat and chew anything while broadcasting.
  • Avoid contact with mouth, eyes and skin.
  • Take bath properly after application.
  • Antidote – No specific antidote is known. Treat symptomatically.